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Strontian Men’s Shed

July 2024 Update

The SCC is delighted to announce the appointment of Annie Harpur as the Sunart Craft Hub and Men’s shed Coordinator. Annie will be working 15 hours. per week to get the Men’s Shed and craft hub back up and running as a space for folk to meet for a coffee and undertake crafting classes, woodworking, repairs etc. and to examine the establishment of a tool library. We will be looking for any volunteers who would like to join us on a working group to decide what activities to run at the Hub, behind Dail Mhor, which also incorporates the community greenhouse and gardening space. Annie recently settled in Upper Scotstown from Glencoe; after running a self-catering and B&B business she also brings to Sunart a long career in community project management and fundraising having worked for various community trusts for over 13 years. Her experience includes supporting a group of women to start a craft and produce market in their town, organising craft classes including willow weaving, felting, flower arranging, running a seed to supper club for school children and cookery classes for young mums. When not working on her new garden, and in the Craft Hub, you will find her out and about exploring the area. Annie says” I’m excited about this new role and look forward to meeting new people in my community

March 2024 Update

Sunart Community Company Director Rowena travelled north to Inverness in March to visit the Inverness Men’s Shed to get some ideas to bring back to Strontian. Watch this space for exciting project updates over the next few months!

October 2020

If anyone has walked round the community woodland behind Dail Mhor they will have seen that volunteers have done a great job of tidying up the former compost site. (Thanks also to Colin Ferguson for helping clear away some of the old soil to create more space.) We are almost ready to connect the electricity to the portacabin so that the Men’s Shed can move from the back of the Strontian Hotel to its new home. The new ‘shed’ will give more space and allow for social distancing – and a craft room as well as woodworking area. This extra work was funded thanks to a donation from the Edinburgh & District Motor Club. As the 2020 Scottish Six Day Trials & Pre 65 trials were cancelled this year the funds raised were distributed to local charities – including the community company for the Strontian Mens Shed – THANK YOU! The Men’s Shed would also like to thank several local residents for more donations of tools – they definitely “need a bigger shed”!

July 2020

With the lockdown, the former community compost site (where the new Men’s Shed portacabin is) now looks very overgrown. We intend to organise a ‘socially distanced’ work party later this year but in the meantime if anyone wants to run around the site with a strimmer, clear some weeds or give the area a tidy up you are very welcome! (Hedge cutting will not be done for another month to give the birds time to finish nesting.)

The Men’s shed is open on Monday and Wednesday mornings.