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AGM and Sunart Burns Supper 2023

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AGM & Drink Reception followed by Burns Night Supper, Ariundle Centre Sat. 28th Jan

Sunart Community Company Drinks Reception and short AGM, Sat 28th 6pm – 7pm

We would like to invite you and any other friends and family to a drinks reception & AGM at the Ariundle Centre at 6pm on Saturday 28th January. The volunteer Directors will provide a brief overview of the years activities, present the annual accounts, and elect new Directors. We also hope to have some preliminary results from the community questionnaire! It would be helpful if you could confirm your attendance at the event so we have an idea of numbers (please email

If you are unable to attend the AGM it would be very helpful if Members would send us apologies but also complete a Proxy Nomination Form so that someone else attending (or the Chairperson) can vote in your place. This form can be completed here: You can nominate any other member who is attending, or any director.

We are always looking for volunteers to join the committee and help support the community, so if you are interested in becoming a Director at the AGM please complete the online form here:, or if you prefer, download and return a Director Nomination Form from the company documents section of the website or drop us an email at  and we will be in touch.

Burns Night Supper – Saturday 28th January, from 7pm – £20 each for three courses with live music and poetry!

With the support of Kate Campbell and her team at the Ariundle Centre we are delighted to be hosting a Burns Night at 7pm on Saturday January 28th. Tickets are now on sale for £20 each from the Ariundle Centre (01967 402279 or ) with all profits from the tickets and raffle going to the charity. Book soon as we only have 36 spaces!