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Autumn is here, and lots is going on!

Annual General Meeting

Tuesday October 23rd, at 7.00pm in the Village Hall is the time and date for our Annual General Meeting. This is a time to review all the assets and activities which the Company has looked after over the last year. It is a good event for newcomers and others not yet familiar with us to find out what we do, what we own, and what we would like to do in the future.

It is also an opportunity to get involved. Directors are elected for three years, and after six years they have to stand down for at least one year. This is done to ensure we get new people with a fresh outlook. But, of course, that can only happen if new people will come forward and offer to become a Director. How about you!

If three years sounds too onerous to start with, the Board can co-opt a few directors to serve for one year. So please think about it, and come to the meeting, or get in touch.

Christmas Auction

Friday 30th November, at 7.00pm in the Village Hall. This is the time to buy Christmas presents, stock up with wonderful foods such as venison, cakes, (even the most amazing Christmas cake) tablet, and much, much more. Everything is given by companies and people in the village, the profits go to fund the work of the Company, and it’s a great fun night out.

Children are involved too, with a special section when they can bid for items, and even do the auctioneering!

There will also be a bar, some good crack, and some very good bargains, so you’ll be guaranteed a very entertaining evening. Don’t miss it.

Sunart Water Festival

Due to wind forecasts, sadly Sunart Water Festival’s water-based activities had to be cancelled. However, this didn’t stop us! We had a plan B which was a great success.

Over 70 people ventured out to take part! We would like to thank the following who helped make the day; Michelle Hilder and Izzy Baker, Laura McConnachie and Richard Livet for their amazing parachute tent, marshmallows and sea-life poster competition, Tim and Lynn at Sunart Camping for their fantastic Viking art work, Amy Maclennan for the sea glass game, Karin for the music, CAOLAS (Laura Harvey and Annabel Lawrence), The Bothy Bar and Restaurant, Owen Sails, and Sunart Community Company directors for the burger stall and to everyone who donated raffle prizes.

We also would like to thank both the Sunart Community Benefit Fund and Sunart Community Council for their grant support which made this first festival possible.

Save this date: 19th May 2019when we will be organising our next Sunart Water Festival with water-based events!

Sunart Community Benefit Fund

The panel of 13 local volunteers met early in September to award the 4thround of funding to applicants. The successful applicants included;

  • Highlife Highland£800 towards the summer playscheme
  • Strontian Angling Associationwith £2,300 for the Native Strontian River Salmon project
  • Sunart Water Festival£600 towards start-up costs for the festival
  • Sunart & District Agricultural show£600 towards new electric installation for the show field
  • Highland Open Water Swim£1,500 towards a safety boat that will cover water-based events in Sunart area and further afield, and the
  • Sunart Community Company£5,000 towards the development officer position.

Earlier this year £5,000 was donated towards buying the former Visitor Centre and we are delighted to say we are almost there. The Scottish Land Fund and Visit Scotland are supportive, so we are waiting to hear any day now that our offer has been accepted!

To date, the total amount awarded by the fund is £87,324! Many thanks to Sunart Community Renewables for their hard work that has made the fund possible. The fund has helped many projects, the total projects costs coming to a whopping £1,121,269.00!

Sunart Paths Network

The Paths Working Group would like to thank Paths For All for awarding £1,500 grant funding towards the groups next project, which is to design and print a new leaflet for the area ‘Walks Around Sunart’.

The next panel meetings will be Monday Oct 8th, and Monday November 12th, both at 6.30pm and at the Fire Station.

We have Walk Sunart Days on Tuesday Oct 2nd, Wednesday Oct 17th, and Monday Oct 29th, all at 9.30am. Locations TBC.  Please let Izzy know if you are interested in coming along.

Men’s Shed News – Open House – Sat. 13thOct 2pm

Members of the Men’s Shed are busy working on their first major project which is some benches for the Paths and Trails group, which will soon be installed along the walks around the village.

The Men’s Shed meets on Mondays and Wednesdays behind the Strontian Hotel, and is open to both men and women. There is a wide variety of tools which are available for members to use for their own projects.

On Saturday October 13th, from 2.00pm to 5.00pm we are holding an Open Day so anyone can see what we have and what we do, including a drink and a chat. Do come along.


We would like to apologise for the problems with our website. We now have a local web-designer helping us set up a new functional site which should be up and running by the end of the month. Meanwhile if you would like copies of minutes, please get in touch with Izzy who will email them.


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