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September 2019 monthly update

Thank you

A big ‘Thank you’ to all those who helped prepare and run the burger bar at the Sunart Show on August 10th. The stall was serving from 8.00am to the close, so a lot of people and organisation was needed to keep it running. Thanks also to John MacDonald for supplying many of the venison burgers. He has done this for many years, and we are extremely grateful to him. Thanks also to the Bothy Bar & Restaurant and Letterfinlay Foods for sponsoring some of the supplies.

The weather played a big part, and made it a wonderful day, (we even sold out of soft drinks!) Thank you to all who supported us and the Show Committee for our continued involvement. We made about £1200 which is a major part of our annual income, and very important to us.

Christmas Auction.

Sorry to mention the ‘c’ word at this time of year, but we are now planning our regular Christmas auction, which will be held on Saturday November 30th in the Village Hall. More details will be available next month, but do make a diary note of it as it is always a great night out. As usual we invite all local businesses to donate prizes, and of course we are very grateful to everyone who bakes cakes, makes beautiful preserves and wines, crafts or who donates shop-bought items for auction.


Talking of diary notes, please note that our AGM will be held on Tuesday 29th October in the Village Hall, at 7.30pm. This is a chance to find out about all the projects we are involved in, and to ask questions about the work we do. We also have a number of vacancies for volunteer Directors so if you are interested in helping local community projects please get in touch for a chat.


Oakwood continues to do very well. We are averaging around 1200 people a month, and sales are very buoyant. We have been able to increase the number of volunteers who staff the shop and we are very grateful to them all for their support. Of course, we would be delighted if anyone else would like to join the team as our opening hours are still limited on some days.

There are often changes to the range of goods on sale, and there are lots of gifts for Christmas presents. (There’s that dreaded ‘c’ word again.) with new stock items coming in nearer the time, so keep popping in the see what’s new or watch out on Facebook for the latest news.


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